History of the Two Party System

The election of 1796 was the first election in American history where political candidates of the local, state, and national level ran for office as members of organized political parties that had strongly opposed political principles. The two parties were known as Federalists, who supported the federal administration, and Democratic-Republicans, who were committed to extending the revolution to ordinary people. Federalists thought of each other as “friends of order” and good government and believed the Democratic-Republicans were radicals. Democratic-Republicans thought of themselves as supporters of equal-rights, independence, and free elective government and believed Federalists were aristocrats laying the foundations to monarchical government.
The United States has had 5 party systems (possibly 6):

1. Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans
2. Democratic-Republicans split and became modern Democrats in support of Andrew Jackson and National Republicans in support of John Quincy Adams.
3. Democrats had a strong and loyal supporters in the south. Republicans had the dominant faction.
4. Republicans were dominant but Democrats Woodrow Wilson and Grover Cleveland were elected two terms.(Progressive Era)
5. Democrats mostly had control of the presidencies.(New Deal Party System)
6. Experts debate whether we are currently in the sixth party system.

Between 1860 and 1936 the parties switched platforms.